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Now Is The Time

to join us at The Mount as we extol His name. Psalm 34:1 says - "I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth,"


Is to exalt God, edify the body of Christ, equip the saints for service and evangelize the lost. With this mission in mind, and as believers in this age of Grace, let us magnify His name, for He alone is worthy oa all adoration and praise!

To the Lord Build The House building project will result in a new edifice to better serve the members of The Mount and our surrounding community. We ask that you prayerfully consider making a tax deductible contribution.



Meet Our Senior Pastor


The Reverend Johnny Calvin Smith

has a powerful message for all mankind. 

This man of God speaks without reservation, proclaiming the gospel of grace, calling for repentance, faith, and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Dr. Smith is in his seventeenth year as Pastor of the Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas.

2017. All Rights  Reserved. The Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church.

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